Welcome to StephenMangan.co.uk!
This is an unofficial fansite for the brilliant comedy and stage actor probably best known for his roles in Episodes, Birthday, The Rules for Living, The Green Wing,The Hunt for Tony Blair, and Dirk Gently.

Want to keep up to date?
On the 29th March there is a 'Dress for Oxfam day', when clebrities are dressed by their children in clothes from Oxfam as a fund raiser. Just could not resist this photo of Stephen dressed by his 2 children Frank and Harry. Enjoy!!
It's nearly March, the time of the Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal!
So on behalf of Stephen lets help the Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal by donating what we can to make it the best appeal ever to raise money for this marvellous organisation that helps so many when they need it most. When their loved ones have to face cancer
Check out the latest news about Stephen's work on our Facebook page or take a look at his Twitter feed
Houdini and Doyle, Stephen's new 10 part series will premiere in March 2016
Current Projects
- Houdini and Doyle
Character: Arthur Conan Doyle
Status: post production
Premiering: 2016
- Episodes
Series 5
Character: Sean Lincoln
Status: filming starts April 2016
Premiering: late 2016 or early 2017
BBC Site
Affiliated Sites
- Julian Rhind-Tutt
- Tom Hollander
- Jessica Hynes
- Olivia Colman
- Martin Freeman
- Helen Baxendale
- Sarah Smart
- Ben Miles